Royal Cinnamon (Saigon cinnamon, Vietnamese cinnamon) Spice

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Our Royal Cinnamon has the intense sweetness and spiciness that Vietnamese cinnamon is prized for. Often mislabeled as Saigon Cinnamon, this heirloom variety rarely reaches the US. Royal Cinnamon is the species Cinnamomum loureiroi. It was historically called Saigon cinnamon, but most of what's exported as Saigon cinnamon these days is Cinnamomum cassia. They are different species, but they are often confused for one another, and it's worth noting that neither cinnamon grows anywhere near Saigon! Use it in place of Saigon or other cinnamons in pastries and baked goods, or sprinkle into rich, savory meat or tomato-based dishes. If you're looking for cinnamon that's less sweet and spicy and more citrusy and complex, check out our Cinnamon Verum. Cooking Tips: Beautiful in baked goods, spice cookies and desserts Sprinkle over yogurt and oatmeal, and add to smoothies Brew with your favorite coffee or tea